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Vice-president Zhang Yuelin Attends“Belt and Road” International Medical Education Alliance (BRIMEA)’s Second Council and the 5th International Forum on Higher Medical Education

date:2021-09-08 view:


On June 19 of 2021,“Belt and Road”International Medical Education Alliance (BRIMEA)’s Second Council and the 5th International Forum on Higher Medical Education is held in Shenyang. Vice president Zhang Yuelin attended the event as a council member.

Over 240 medical professionals and educators from 18 countires participated the conference online and offline. Professor Wang Weimin, executive deputy director of the national medical education development center, chairman of the medical education branch of the Chinese Medical Association and deputy director of the medical department of Peking University.David A. Hirsh, associate dean of undergraduate medical education at Harvard Medical School and President of the host university, professor Wendeliang spoke at the opening ceremony.

Adhering to the principle of "consultation, sharing and joint construction", the alliance has promoted the interaction among members and deepened the exchanges and cooperation among member units. XMU joined the alliance in 2020.